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Cityscapes - Blue City (#AA_CITYSCAPES_05)

About: A contemporary series of panoramic London cityscapes, by artist Brian Elwell. Integral to the meaning of the work are the many different processes used in creating the images. Some of the techniques involved include stencilling, printing, erasing and glazing in order to build up a layered surface which encompasses both organic and geometrical elements. Computer-aided manipulation and recombination of images also provides a fertile technique generating new and unexpected ideas.

Unique Image Code: AA_CITYSCAPES_05

Artist Info:  Brian is a professional painter working in Bath.  He is a member of Bath Art Society and is qualified with a Diploma in Fine Art, MA in Fine Art and Postgraduate Diploma in Printmaking. He is a member of Bath Art Society and offers mentoring for artists, students and amateur painters. He is also Director of Riverside Studios at Swineford near Bath.

With over 40 years experience, his work continues to be exhibited throughout the UK in solo and joint shows, including  St Pauls Cathedral (London), Fusin Gallery (Bath), Paragon Gallery (Cheltenham), Imagination Gallery (Bath), Mariners Chapel (St. Ives), Denise Yapp Gallery (Wales), Limner Gallery (New York City), R.O.I. Mall Galleries (London), Fusion Gallery (Bristol), Webbs Fine Art (London), Throgmortons Gallery (London), Leith Gallery (Edinburgh), Drury Lane Gallery (London).


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