
Professionally display artwork in your business or home

Other services we provide to offices and businesses

Distracturals - Oxalis No1 Series #2, Clapton, East London (#DISTR_10)

About: Fraser Lawson’s symmetrical constructions propose a graphic counterbalance to the randomness of nature. ‘Neurodivergent’, he is driven to create these relatable forms to regain a sense of control over the chaos of outside forces. In the same way a gardener is compelled to compose and manage the arrangements of flowers and shrubs in a ‘perfect’ garden Lawson fabricates a sense of order in abstracted photographs of plants and landscapes. This process has a therapeutic, calming effect on what he calls his ‘jittery mind’.

The final image reflects Lawson’s appreciation for the beauty of nature, but the manipulation veils another layer. Familiar images of flowers, trees and landscapes appear simply mirrored, but look closer and within the reflection, camouflaged in plain sight, you will see a face staring back at you. Is it a mythical creature or a primitive mask? An angel or a demon? Or is it nature itself passing judgement on its own destruction and exploitation by man. Whether the image is a celebration or subversion of its subject is open to interpretation. Like the ink blots in a Rorschach test, depending on your state of mind, it is up to you. Lawson simply asks the question: ‘What do you see?’…

Medium: Each photograph is printed with museum-quality Giclée printing and mounted onto a 3mm deep aluminium di-bond sheet and finished with a gloss laminate finish. The dibond print comes with a hidden subframe hanging system allowing the artwork to "float" about 15mm from the wall, to create a modern and minimal way of displaying these photographs. 

Rental Price Category: TWO

Size: A1 size (59cm wide by 84cm tall) 

Ready to rent art for your office

Option 1: You choose office artOption 1: You choose office art
If you know what you like, we can set-up an account for you to have a browse through our extensive art rental collection. With your account, you can create your own wish-lists, share with colleagues and send us your shortlists. We will then review, send you a tailored art rental quote and finalise details with you

Option 2: We recommend art for your office

Option 2: We recommend art for your office

Some customers prefer us to suggest artwork ideas suitable for their business type and space. You can email us some photos and a description of your needs. Or we can arrange a site visit (free in central London). We can then create a tailored light-box for you to view artwork, share with colleagues and choose from.

Option 3: Let your staff vote on your office artwork

Option 3: Let your staff vote on your office artwork

Or you can involve your staff in choosing office artwork, using our online staff voting tool. We will set up this tool for you based on a shortlist of your favourite artwork ranges, then process the scores for you and let you know the outcome.

Or sometimes our clients prefer a mix of the above options. 
